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Bagus Enrico & Partners

BE Partners as Legal Counsel for Subsidiaries of Kyushu Electric Power Company

We are very pleased to announce that our Corporate/M&A Team led by our partner Debu Batara Lubis, has recently represented and acted as the Indonesian counsel for Kyuden International Corporation (KIC) and West Japan Engineering Consultants, Inc. (WJEC), subsidiaries of the Kyushu Electric Power Company (Kyuden Group), in the recent shares acquisition in (i) Thermochem Inc, a leading US based company in geothermal supporting services and (ii) its Indonesian subsidiary, PT Thermochem Indonesia.

This acquisition will result in greater expansion of the Kyuden Group’s presence and role in the global geothermal power generation sector, including its significant involvement in the major landmark project of Sarulla geothermal IPP, which is also currently known as one of the largest geothermal IPP projects in the world with the total output of approximately 330 MW.

Our BE Partners team consisted of Wisnu Aji Wiradyo, Bimo Wiroprayogo, Mega Dharmawan, Bratara Damanik, and Hans Nolan.

More information regarding the transaction can be found at (https://www.thinkgeoenergy.com/kyushu-electric-companies-acquiring-thermochem-inc-and-indonesian-subsidiary/; 


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