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Bagus Enrico & Partners

February 2020 – BE Partners Continues To Host Law Students From Australia

BE Partners continues to host Australian students and cooperate with Acicis. This year, we are with Charlotte Fuller and Leilani Cox (Nadi).

Some activities while they were here, namely discussion forums (topics: Company, Investment, Property and Employment Law), presentation about Australian company law, also introduce Charlotte and Nadi.

We also invite Charlotte and Nadi to take a short trip around Jakarta to create a more intimate atmosphere while getting to know more about Jakarta.

Sharing professional and social life, bring so much joy and experiences to the firm also to Charlotte and Nadi.

As Nadi said “An invaluable experience where the skills I honed and knowledge I gained will impact my future experiences in the future”

Also, from Charlotte “I have utterly enjoyed experiencing what it is like to work in an Indonesian law firm. I have made good friends with the associates here, and I will take back home with me a broad understanding of Indonesian company law. And I hope to return again sometime soon.”

The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS – pronounced Ah-chee-chis, as an Indonesian would say it) is a non-profit international educational consortium. ACICIS is the longest-running provider of in-country Indonesian study programs and the primary mechanism through which Australian students pursue study in Indonesia for academic credit.


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